Its a kinda MAGIC!! ^_^
If you didnt allready know this is my 4th lot of Bristlenose plec fry and is the biggest so far. When i counted the new lot this afternoon there were 14 so now i have:
2 adults (the breeding pair)
1 juvinile (about 1 1/2 inches)
6 fry (about 10 weeks old)
2 fry (about 3 weeks old)
and 14 fry (came out this morning)
They just will not stop breeding
2 adults (the breeding pair)
1 juvinile (about 1 1/2 inches)
6 fry (about 10 weeks old)
2 fry (about 3 weeks old)
and 14 fry (came out this morning)
They just will not stop breeding