Guess what kind of Danio fry?


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2005
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I have three danio fry and they have developed a blue stripe down their back and they have an orange stripe down either side of their bodies. They are mainly brown in colour I was just wondering if anyone knew what they are going to be?
At the time I had golden, Long-finned zebra and pearl danios when they were rescued. I have a feeling it will be zebra. Can't wait to find out :D
only time will tell, but it sounds to me like a pearl/zebra
I'd love to see pics when they are a size the camera can pic up. :thumbs:
with danio fry

bright blue stripe on back [ie top] means zebra

orange stripe on side = kerri or pearl

both = hybrid

ps havent posted lately as too busy with my own "fry", Joseph, now 6 days old

- plus over 100 kerri fry
Cool, thanks for replies. I'll try to take some good pictures. They are about a month old now and doing well.
I'm so excited to see what they grow up to be.
I think they have very long fins for fry, so probably long-finned zebra :D

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