Guess He's Gotta Go Back


Jan 6, 2007
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Topeka, Ks USA
I got a pleco about a week ago from PetSmart. He was labeled a common plecostamus and I was told he'd get up to 12" long. I put him in my 10 gallon for now, with plans to move him to my 29 gallon as soon as it's all set up and cycled. I was told that would be fine for him. Well....I noticed that in just the week I've had him he's grown so I started looking at some pics and whatnot trying to identify exactly what sort of pleco he is. I went back to the store today and they gave me his "real" name. Liposarcus anisitsi. Snow King Pleco. Looking on the internet I've determined that these babies get much bigger than 12". He probably won't work out in my 29 gallon afterall, huh? :no: *sigh* It's such a shame. He's such a beauty (I'm just guessing he's a "he") I even named him. Brutus. Well, after I found out he was a snow king, I changed it to King Brutus! LOL I guess there was no real point to this post. I've pretty much already talked myself into just taking him back. They won't take him back after 14 days so I need to get on it....probably go back in the morning. :sad:
Guess I'll just stick to otos and cories!
I'm sorry, that's such a shame. I hate it when LFS give out false advice. Are you sure it's a snow king though? They're rather rare. Could you post a piccie? TBH even a common plec wouldn't go in a 29g though (LFS wrong again), they can get to 12-18". Minimum tank size for an adult would be 4ft x 18" x 18", which I believe is a 75g.

There are lots of little species of plec (some of them very pretty) which would do nicely in your 29g once you've got it up and running, though ;)
I really blame myself. All of my other fish get researched to death before I get them. And I know that size is an issue with plecos. I should have made a list of the smaller ones and took it with me.
I did get a couple pictures of Brutus today. I hope I can add them correctly :)


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I think he's just a regular common plec, snow kings are greyish green like this:

What are the dimensions of your 29g? He could probably be ok in there for a couple of months if he's only little and it's a long-ish tank, if you wanted to keep him for a bit - obviously, if you're anything like me and get too attached to your pets, it might bring on symptoms of "need bigger tank syndrome" ;) Although it might be harder to rehome him once he's bigger.
I think he's just a regular common plec, snow kings are greyish green like this:

What are the dimensions of your 29g? He could probably be ok in there for a couple of months if he's only little and it's a long-ish tank, if you wanted to keep him for a bit - obviously, if you're anything like me and get too attached to your pets, it might bring on symptoms of "need bigger tank syndrome" ;) Although it might be harder to rehome him once he's bigger.
29 gal is 12.25 wide, 18.5" high, and 30.25" long. I think I will keep him after all. I got all ready to take him back to the store and just couldn't do it! He's really grown on me, even in just one week. He's pretty active, even during the day. There's this ugly little neon cave thing in the tank and he's claimed it as his home. He'll swim inside and then flop his head out of one of the "windows" and just lay like that for awhile.
Now I have a really good excuse to start looking for a bigger tank :)
Its a real shame, but this happens allot in the trade with miss identification or lack of knowledge. You are making the correct move.

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