Gudgeon Info.


Sep 28, 2009
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I would like a little info about these fish.How big are they?How big of tank?Are they related to killifish?(just asking. look alot alike.)
How to breed?What kind of food?

The original gudgeon is a small minnow found in Europe, a species called Gobio gobio. However, most of the "gudgeons" in the hobby are gobies (typically sleeper gobies) from New Guinea and Australia, things like Butis butis. Details vary, but on the whole they are medium sized (around 20 cm), territorial rather than aggressive, predatory towards smaller fish, and require either brackish or freshwater conditions depending on the species. Providing you can offer the right water chemistry and suitably safe, thiaminase-free live foods (e.g., earthworms) they are not difficult to keep. But they do badly in community tanks where the only foods are freeze-dried or flake foods.

The sleeper goby section of my Brackish FAQ offers some basic information.

Cheers, Neale
Purple striped gudgeons of the mogurnda genus are all fresh water and grow to around 6". Keep them with similar sized fish (they are predatory) and avoid housing them with cichlids. A 30g tank would be sufficient :)
Essentially the same as the purple striped gudgeon, but the peacocks only reach about 2.5" max; they are more suitable for smaller community tanks. I would say 10g minimum for these.
Ok Thanks, Are peacock gudgeons rare to find in petshops?
Would you have to special order them?

And do they mostly hang out at the bottom of the tank?because i've got a pair of 27 Canadian gallons.

Thanks: Garett:D
Ive found that the peacocks will hang out all over the tank, while the purple spotted will mostly stay near the bottom. You may need to order them as they can be difficult to come across. I don't know if either would work with a pair of kribs, however, as the peacocks are too small and would beat up either species of gudgeon; or get eaten if you find a PSG big enough.
Ok thanks, because i dont want the kribs & gudgeons fighting if i get them.

Do you think I might be able to order some at Petland?

Oh these peacock gudgeons are beautiful fishand easy to breed.
I don't know about Petland but if you're near Sheffield, a place called Fish Inc do them and even the purple spotted goby. They do all sorts of rare fish like thats where I got my Congo Tinanti Cichlid a bottom dweller. They had sold out except for the last male and they really need to be in pairs so he is by his self but doing fine. Had him since 3" and reached 4".
If you can get a chance to go to Fish Inc it is well worth the journey, because they have all rare and different variety of fish and can even get you almost any fish including rare type. Owner is really a really nice person and a jolly guy, chats a lot lol.
You should be able to order peacock gudgeons in at almost all shops.Absolutely brilliant little fish, I found they thrived off blood worm, glass worm, and tetra prima - also brings out their colours
They love to breed in small crevices, some 1cm diameter pvc would do the job, or a holey piece of bog wood.
I would not put them in with breeding kribs...
My pair mysteriously went missing when I went away for a weekend once, must get another pair.
My male
Oh wow ! thanks! But where is that place exactly?


This is the postcode to fish inc S13 9DF and he is their website:

You can find peacock gudgeons around some places but I haven't seen them that often. You should check it out, as some fish there to look at is really nice as they have stingrays and last time I went they had a colourful 15" puffer. They also have over 15 tanks full of cichlids in the cichlid area. I am hoping to get a pair but I need to check if they are suitable for my fish plan. I used to have 2 purple spotted gudgeon and another same looking gudgeon but different in colours and spots, didn't know the name.

Thats a really nice peacock goby cheesy feet and hope you get to home some more.
Wow nice peacock goby Cheesy Feet

Thanks for the website.

Except it sucks cause i live in alberta, canada>:*(

do you know any in canada?

Oh lol, I guess I can't. Sorry I keep forgetting that people are logged on here from around the world. but hope you find a shop that does have them :)

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