GSP - this section or the other ?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 3, 2004
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I just visited my lfs and was told GSP would live fine in FW. Not only am i suprised @ this, but ive also read other threads where people have said the same thing! whats going on ? he has a stock of about 50 in fw at my local fish shop.

So if your a Puffer fan, please tell me IF they can be kept alive in fw??

many thanks
Im no pudder fan but I belive GSP are brakish water puffers and require live foods. While they're FW cousin dwarf puffers live in FW and love live foods but dont require them :unsure:
Hmm... I mostly read about GSPs being brackish, but I have spotted a few places online that say they can live just fine in FW... I'm no puffer expert, so I don't know for sure -_-
GSP are a Brackish Water Fish. Although they can survive in Freshwater it will shorten their life and they are then more sucseptible to disease.

They require frozen, fresh, or live foods. They do not require soley live foods, but they won't eat flakes.
GSPs themselves require brackish water. Another member on here however, (can't remember) thought he had another species, but it turned out it wasn't. Do a search to find out specifics.

Anyhoo they are thought to be best kept in full marine when full size.

Also 50 in one tank?????!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heck!
part of the confusion comes from the fact that most puffers, as babies/juvies are pretty much fw fish. but as they mature, that is when they need bw (the bw species that is), and eventually some can go full marine. many fish actually spawn in fw in nature, but move out to bw areas as they mature. to mimic this you'd need to gradually up the salinity as the fish matures. gsp are one of these fish. that is why they are often sold as fw fish, because they are very young fish at the time. but the fact of the matter is, they need to be moved to full brackish as they mature or you WILL shorten their lifespan and give them a very poor quality of life.

so despite the fact that they can start off life in fw, gsp ARE bw fish.

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