GSP Sick?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 26, 2004
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iv been looking at my gsp and all of the other ones have white bellys buy thres one that has a black belly im not sure if he has parasites hes dirty hes sick or what please help
nevermind it was just dirtly i got him in the net and shook him up a lil and the poo came off his belly all is fine now
you put him in a net and shook him?

I see.
well no i netted him and i let him go and he swam unconrollably and the stuff just came out
He could be settling in, Sg might be off or Sg change from the store to your tank might have shocked him

There are many different things that could cause a color change to the darker shades. Normally parasites would be indicated by stringy poop and sunken bellys thats seem to stay that way even after feeding.

How old is the tank, how big is the tank and what are parameters if you dont mind me asking , it will be alot easier to pin point the problem

You said he had poop on his belly and that was making it completely black??

Oh and i would be very careful netting Puffers in general as this may stress them enough to make them puff and if they do so out of water they can injest air which they have alot of trouble expelling were as water can be expelled without a problem

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