GSP plan of action


Jun 18, 2004
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right now, all my levels have spiked and then dropped to zero, thus the cycle is underway. I have one healthy and fat puffer in there, and the second one always dies within a day, doesn't eat much, then gets sucked on the gentle filter and doesn't have the energy to swim away. I need some help as to how long I should wait to add another GSP, and anything I could use..
Please do not add another GSP, and remove the one you have. Puffers do NOT do well to cycle a tank and usually won't survive. IMO you should return the puffer to the store until your tank is completely cycled.
The first GSP is doing fine, I'm just going to have him help cycle... take the risk
If you have to cycle a tank with fish then some fish are better suited to it. If you're willing to risk a sensitive fish with cycling when you KNOW there is a very good chance it'll die then you shouldn't be keeping fish !!
Well I had my spikes and they were almost at zero before I put him in. After the second day I had all levels at zero, but my ammonia is just a tiny tiny bit high because of his poop, but I'm keeping that down with WC's.
Thing is if the tanks not seeded you can get spikes very quickly, ammonia only needs to be in very small quantities to kill due its toxicity. If you really want to start the tank off what is in my opinion the kindest on the fish and most professional then go for fishless cycling it really works, is much quicker than cycling with fish and you can fully stock your tank at the end of it. If you need any links on fishless cycling then yell.
I'm impatient as well. However, I am not stocking, the one GSP is my only fish for a while, until I get him another GSP.
Fishless cycling cuts the cycling time down from about 2-3months to about 10-20 days! You definately will not be able to fit 2 GSPs in that 5 gal tank, personally I wouldn't put 1 in it.
Please read some of the previous posts on puffer fish. Theres alot you should know, and it really won't take alot of effort. Why not just do it the proper way, and stop killing things in a trial and error method? In the long run, it will save you time.
If this is unreasonable, then at least stop telling us your killing your fish by choice, it extremely depressing, since if you'll listen, we could help .
If only people would do the necessary research beforehand. I joined this forum on 15th June to learn as much as I could and get all my questions answered before I went ahead and did anything and I STILL haven't started cycling my tank yet because I still have things to learn about the puffer I want to keep (Twin-Spot).
Research is the only way to go B)

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