Fish Fanatic
The newest GSP had a black mark on his head a few days ago. Now the black mark has turned white. In addition to that mark he also has developed one on his back.
I'm wondering if its a fungus. It really looks as if he scraped it and its healing. I had noticed that he was squeezing behind the filter arm and heater a lot instead of going around them. Perhaps it is just a wound from rubbing up against them?
I took some pictures to better show what the problem is. (sorry if they're too big, I wanted to make sure you could see the marks)
He's eating fine, but he did spit out some snail shell a bit ago while he had a giant poop. It happened right after I netted him and set him in a breeder box to get a better look and added some Melafix, but he immediately turned dark ALL over, not just on his back, and started gasping and so I set him back into the tank and it took a few moments before he regained color and activity. I was extremely worried that the Melafix got mixed with the Clove Oil somehow It was scary.
He has had black stress marks on his belly on and off. My other puffers RARELY get stress marks, so I guess I've forgotten how to deal with that issue. All my levels are A-OK.
I set him in this tank last night. He stayed in a minnow/ghost shrimp tank for the past week or so until his tank was recycled and ready to go. The minnow tank didn't have a heater on and he was stress free. I placed him in a bag and acclimated him to the new tanks temperature. I don't think that had anything to do with it, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
I've never dealt with fungus or anything before. I will be forever grateful for a solution to our little problem. :bowing:
I'm wondering if its a fungus. It really looks as if he scraped it and its healing. I had noticed that he was squeezing behind the filter arm and heater a lot instead of going around them. Perhaps it is just a wound from rubbing up against them?
I took some pictures to better show what the problem is. (sorry if they're too big, I wanted to make sure you could see the marks)
He's eating fine, but he did spit out some snail shell a bit ago while he had a giant poop. It happened right after I netted him and set him in a breeder box to get a better look and added some Melafix, but he immediately turned dark ALL over, not just on his back, and started gasping and so I set him back into the tank and it took a few moments before he regained color and activity. I was extremely worried that the Melafix got mixed with the Clove Oil somehow It was scary.
He has had black stress marks on his belly on and off. My other puffers RARELY get stress marks, so I guess I've forgotten how to deal with that issue. All my levels are A-OK.
I set him in this tank last night. He stayed in a minnow/ghost shrimp tank for the past week or so until his tank was recycled and ready to go. The minnow tank didn't have a heater on and he was stress free. I placed him in a bag and acclimated him to the new tanks temperature. I don't think that had anything to do with it, but I thought I'd mention it just in case.
I've never dealt with fungus or anything before. I will be forever grateful for a solution to our little problem. :bowing: