GSP food


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
West Lafayette, IN (Purdue University)
Hmm well it has been a wonder that I sat on the forums through all of my lab. :D I should maybe try to pay attention and learn something, but I want to read about fish so owell. Anyway, I am going to get some snails for my puffer after class and I was wondering which snails are good for him to eat. Just any kind? An answer before 30 minutes would be nice so i can go right there after class. :thumbs: Thanks everyone
If your GSP is still small you can feed it common pond snails (the lfs will usually give them away out of the plant tank and sump) the small brown shelled ones that are considered a nuiscence. If it is larger (say 2 inches or more) then it will be no problem feeding it Ramshorn snails, Apple snails, trapdoor snails etc. you can also get muscles from the grocery store (or fresh fish shop) and feed them to the may have to crack the shell open on the first couple until the GSP recognises it as food, then they will break them open themselves and eat the meat....mmmmm.
If your GSP is still small you can feed it common pond snails (the lfs will usually give them away out of the pla

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