A few sites I've read said that the GSP is BW but then I found twice as many sites that says its perfectly health in FW OR BW. What do you guys believe about this fish?
A few sites I've read said that the GSP is BW but then I found twice as many sites that says its perfectly health in FW OR BW. What do you guys believe about this fish?
GSP is a BW fish. They are sometimes born in freshwater/light brack water conditions but move to the brackish water to live. At adulthood they even go into full marine conditions. An adult GSP WILL NOT thrive at all in FW. Overall, from 2+" to adulthood, they need to be in BW for best health.
GSP's are not FW fish, or at least they're not FW in aquaria. Keep them in BW, and then as they grow older change them up to marine conditions. That's the advice offered from people who have been keeping GSPs and ther puffers for decades now, so, might be a good idea to go with that.