Two problems! Have just got a betta who is chasing one of my dwarf gouramis ( the male?) relentlessly. I guess he thinks it's another fighter? Anyway, I only have one tank. I have isolated Betta for the moment but am scared to put him back in the community tank as I have been reading other postings about bettas finishing off gouramis and swordtails within days. I also have in the 10L tank another dwarf gourami, 2 swortails, one plec, 11 neons, 5 zebra danios. Help...
In addition, I have a pregnant swortail. Think she is almost due so had put her in the isolation chamber but she got so stressed and bashed herself against the plastic so I took her out again. Is it better to leave her in the main tank and expect the fry to be eaten or to isolate her (and the betta!) but have her get stressed.
Help! I am now stressed. Thought this was supposed to be relaxing...
In addition, I have a pregnant swortail. Think she is almost due so had put her in the isolation chamber but she got so stressed and bashed herself against the plastic so I took her out again. Is it better to leave her in the main tank and expect the fry to be eaten or to isolate her (and the betta!) but have her get stressed.
Help! I am now stressed. Thought this was supposed to be relaxing...