

i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
Funk Town
damn it all!
my "non-tank" fish include 2 male betta's and 3 ghost shrimp
1 betta is in a 1 gallon jar with live plants
another male betta WAS in a 2 gallon jar with live plants
and i have a 1 gallon bowl with live plants and 3 ghost shrimp (with a screen cover)
well the other night as i was putting all my fish and critters to bed i noticed that the 2 gallon jar was only half full
upon further inspection the bottom of the jar seemed to be leaking
i have no idea how because it has been there forever and hasn't leaked yet
the only thing i can think of is that my big moose of a dog bumped the shelf its on and the jar smacked into the wall
so now he's in this tiny little half a gallon bowl that my little brother bought me a long time ago (i was gunna turn it into a flower pot/terrarium/ bowl type thingy
i'm wonderin' if i should transfer my ghosts into the half a gallon and give my poor betta the one gallon for now until i either get another bowl or a mini-tank
what do you guys think?
i think the betta is probably okay in as small a container as can fit him, they always have him in the very tiny cups at the LFS's and they survive.. but if you pack him and those shrimps in a very small container i think the water conditions might suffer (and i'd be more worried about those dying than the betta)
Hi Pointy_kitty :)

Are you sure it's leaking? Could it be that your dog tried to drink out of it and splashed water around so that it just seems like it? My cat drinks the fish water and it drips down the side of my tanks.........ewwwwwwwww. :X It seems like I'm always cleaning water stains off them because of this.
Inchworm said:
Hi Pointy_kitty :)

Are you sure it's leaking? Could it be that your dog tried to drink out of it and splashed water around so that it just seems like it? My cat drinks the fish water and it drips down the side of my tanks.........ewwwwwwwww. :X It seems like I'm always cleaning water stains off them because of this.
i wish that were the case
but the jar is much too high out of her reach (to avoid her "hunting" the fish)
then when i was carrying it i would feal it oozing :X
its on the top of a book shelf that wobbles a teensy bit so i think my dog bumped the bottom of the shelf causing the jar on top to "tap" the wall
its the only explination and she smashes into things all the time

as for the ghosts
i was talking about ONLY the ghosts in the half a gallon and the betta in the 1 gallon not both together :lol:
then both bettas would have their own one gallon and 3 shrimp in the half ;)
hahaha :lol:
if you look in my info you will see proof that this is the third time this has happened :huh: .....
they all use to have 2 gallons
this will be the third leek
the first one i had a baby at the house who i was showing the fish and the strong little bugger grabbed the bowl, lifted it and dropped it back down
the second was a mystery and so is the 3rd (no babies have been over :dunno: )
i am running out of jars and the are costing me $6 each (it adds up)
grrrrrrrrrr :grr:
I wonder.... :shifty: .... Have they all been the same jars!???

If so.....I'd switch jars! :nod:

Sorry about's one of my greatest fears as a fish keeper, something cracking my tank and my fish flowing out onto the floor. It probably has something to do with my fear of picking them up if I had to!!
i had to have my mom scrape my shark out of the carpet once :sick: :-(
its the only time a fish has ever jumped out and he did it in the split second i checked hte temperature but i didn't see him
i couldn't even look at the carpet for the next few hours :S

:rip: scaliwag
Pointy_kitty said:
i had to have my mom scrape my shark out of the carpet once :sick: :-(
its the only time a fish has ever jumped out and he did it in the split second i checked hte temperature but i didn't see him
i couldn't even look at the carpet for the next few hours :S

:rip: scaliwag
At least you didn't wake up with your beloved betta dead with no fins :(
Then later just when you're getting over it you gravel vac the tank and you suck up a pectoral fin :sick:

:rip: Stan
StanTheBetta said:
Pointy_kitty said:
i had to have my mom scrape my shark out of the carpet once :sick: :-(
its the only time a fish has ever jumped out and he did it in the split second i checked hte temperature but i didn't see him
i couldn't even look at the carpet for the next few hours :S

:rip: scaliwag
At least you didn't wake up with your beloved betta dead with no fins :(
Then later just when you're getting over it you gravel vac the tank and you suck up a pectoral fin :sick:

:rip: Stan
:sick: :sick: :sick:
maybe just buy a small tank for each or something like a ten gallon... have dividers and all can live there!
just a thought
AquaCan said:
maybe just buy a small tank for each or something like a ten gallon... have dividers and all can live there!
just a thought
i wish i had more plug ins for filters and light and junk :/ .....
i'm afraid to turn on a hair dryer,
too much :crazy: :S
Your Betta would be fine in anything from a fish bowl to a 2g. So he would be fine in your 1/2 gallon. In the wild, they live in puddles in rice patties and shallow streams so they like small spaces!
StanTheBetta said:
Pointy_kitty said:
i had to have my mom scrape my shark out of the carpet once :sick: :-(
its the only time a fish has ever jumped out and he did it in the split second i checked hte temperature but i didn't see him
i couldn't even look at the carpet for the next few hours :S

:rip: scaliwag
At least you didn't wake up with your beloved betta dead with no fins :(
Then later just when you're getting over it you gravel vac the tank and you suck up a pectoral fin :sick:

:rip: Stan
So sorry man :-( Out of curiosity though how did it happen? Sorry kinda new,and If you told the story a million times,and dont want to tell it again it's okay Agressive fish with him? Again sorry :-(
Your Betta would be fine in anything from a fish bowl to a 2g. So he would be fine in your 1/2 gallon.

I don't see the point of squeezing in bettas into tiny jars. I've kept mine in tanks from 16 gal and up and they do use the space when they get it. Especially females. To be honest, I think bettas should have at least 5 gal.

Why give them less space than any other fish? Just because they survive? Is that enough, that they "survive"? Sometimes I wish bettas weren't so hardy fish, it would be better for their own sake... The fact that they're kept in tiny cups at the LFS is no excuse, many fish are kept in too small tanks there because it's meant to be temporary.

In the wild, they live in puddles in rice patties and shallow streams so they like small spaces!

The way I understand their natural habitat isn't that they like small spaces, it's that they like heavily planted spaces. Surely rice paddies etc. have more water than 1/2 gal? Besides, according to for example The IBC Species Maintenance Programme, bettas also occur in medium to large rivers.
Morrgan said:
Your Betta would be fine in anything from a fish bowl to a 2g.  So he would be fine in your 1/2 gallon.

I don't see the point of squeezing in bettas into tiny jars. I've kept mine in tanks from 16 gal and up and they do use the space when they get it. Especially females. To be honest, I think bettas should have at least 5 gal.

Why give them less space than any other fish? Just because they survive? Is that enough, that they "survive"? Sometimes I wish bettas weren't so hardy fish, it would be better for their own sake... The fact that they're kept in tiny cups at the LFS is no excuse, many fish are kept in too small tanks there because it's meant to be temporary.

In the wild, they live in puddles in rice patties and shallow streams so they like small spaces!

The way I understand their natural habitat isn't that they like small spaces, it's that they like heavily planted spaces. Surely rice paddies etc. have more water than 1/2 gal? Besides, according to for example The IBC Species Maintenance Programme, bettas also occur in medium to large rivers.
ummmmm..... :blink:
that is not the issue here
my bettas have lots of room in their planted 2 gallons
the problem is that the keep leaking for no apparent reason so they are now in 2 1 gallons and a half a gallon bowl
i didn't like the lack of space so i was asking for alternative ideas

petsmartchick was just saying that it will be just fine as a temporary home, as they will survive in anything to a small cup
she wasn't saying "please keep them in a tiny cup so that they are miserable" :lol:
i know what you are saying but that is not an issue in this post :dunno:
keep your gun in the holster cowboy ;) :lol:

EDIT: i hope you can tell that this reply is in a playful joking manner, i do understand what you are saying and agree that they shouldn't be kept in anything puny (i think a nice planted 2 gallon would be my minnimum, as they have room to swim and dive) i wouldn't keep my particular bettas with any other fish (only my females can go in the tanks ans the males fight with EVERYTHING!) ;)

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