Grrrrrrrr (pic added)


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2004
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On Sunday, I went to my local Petsmart. I'm lucky because two guys working there really know what they are talking about. They took me in the back to let me see the show tank they've been working on and I happened to notice a lone betta in a bowl. I asked them what was wrong with it and they said some customer put it in a cup with another betta! This guy's fins are very chopped and he looks so sad. I asked them if I could buy him and bring him home. Yesterday, I went back (with my cooler) and they gave me him for free. I'll post some pics when I can take some (later today) but I just had to share how angry this made me!


I'll try to get some better pics...I just thought this one showed the damage to his fins pretty well. Poor guy...he's still feisty though - already flaring at one of my other bettas! :p
Aww poor little guy :-(

Good on you for saving him and well done to the store for letting you have him for free :)

Look forward to seeing the pics
It has been said, but, really good of you to bring him home and really really good of the store to give him for free.
Good for you and good luck with rehabing him. :cool:

And good on Petsmart for giving him to you free. :thumbs:

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