Grrr.... Pleco And Chips For Dinner?


Fish Crazy
Jan 27, 2007
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Only joking but my Plec and Bn Plec have decided to turn my tank upside down.... sat down to watch TV and out of the corner of my eye noticed some plants had decided to go for a swim :crazy: Looked more closely and saw the Bn and Plec rummaging around the plants uproating them.... then the plec decided to go for a dig so my nice sand substrate is now decorating everything within a foot radius of him.

Why do we go to the trouble to aquascape things so we think our fish will be happy only for them to decide to rearrange the furniture when our backs are turned ;)
mine do that quite aolt so i have put some lead on the plastic plants for some extra wieght

cheers dane
hey its there home, and you are a lousy interior decorator :p
My plec's need to learn from the following:-

"The plec who fusses over anything spoils it. The plec who grasps anything causes it to float. The well behaved Plec fusses over nothing and therefore spoils nothing. He grips at nothing and therefore loses nothing."

(Slightly modified from a chinese saying)

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