Grrr Ph Issue


New Member
May 29, 2005
Reaction score
Toms River, NJ USA
I have a 100 gallon tank. My ph is around 6.4. It used to be higher, i had issues with the tank, but it has recovered. I've been using the PH raiser powder to get it to 7. It only has risen slightly. it was at 6.2, any suggestions on how to raise PH or should i just leave it be. My water stats are PH 6.4, Ph high- 7.4, Ammonia-0, Nitrates-0, Nitrites-0.



Do you have lots of bogwood in your tank as this will lower your ph.

Whether you should raise you ph all depends in what fish you would like to keep/or keep now.

A stable ph is far better than one that bounces around, a little too high or low most fish will adapt.
How much water do you change a week, and what is the ph reading of your tapwater?

I have some driftwood in the tank, however, the ph was dropping prior to them being in there. I'm going to check the tap ph and see that is my problem. Thanks
Check your tap water kH as well, if it's low 0,1,2 there is not enough minerals in the tap water to hold a decent pH and it will drop back. Also nitrates in the tank (caused be un-eaten food and fish poo) can do the same.

If your kH readings are 4+, put some tank water in a container and take a pH reading, then add an air stone (running) for 1 hour and take another reading. If there's a big difference in the results you will know it's the nitrates or bogwood that's the cause. Your problem can easily fixed by by larger water changes.


Edit...Thinking about it how much water do you change weekly? :thumbs:

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