Grr... Why me....


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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So I've had too much time to myself..... I want 6 or so BW tetras for mt 18g, but can't find any local. So I've been looking for a substitute. I don't want NT, or cardinals, not many other tetras I like, so....
I've been thinking of female bettas.
:grr: Not that I don't like them. I'd love some. But I'm trying to inch away from wanting a roomfull of bettas. Plus they cost twice as much as tetras..... And are bigger. Look what you are doing to me..... :grr: And my poor money. If it wasn't for lack of space, I'd be spending all my money on bettas.
I know this isn't exactly to do with bettas, but can someone offer a cheaper alternative, and stop me from getting a fm community!!!!!!!?
Well the pressures on, plus your under the betta topic(hehe). I think a female betta community would rock, I have one and it's one of my favorite tanks..Eventually the price won't matter to you cause you will see beautiful bettas in the poor cups and want to buy them all :crazy: ! That's what happened to me.... -_-
Yes, but they aren't kept in cups over here. Ohhh.... why does nowhere do BW tetras? If they did, I wouldn't be in this situation. Although as I said, bettas are bigger than tetras, so I wouldn't have enough room for my cory breeding. Although..... What if I only got 3 or 4 females..... :shifty:
Fine then..... Even though it will be £9-12 for 3-4 bettas. Unless they have a '2 for £5' deal or something. I suppose they are prettier than most tetras.
And then when you see them you will notice the males and think that one of them would go wonderfully with the females :rofl: :rofl:
Well, I'd like to breed, but I don't have room and all I can get is VTs. Ah well, I can probably give Hannibal some fun by showing him all the girlies.
if u havent got any room for the bettas there is always guppies they are colourful interesting and they breed quickly if u want fry
Guppies are too easy. Plus they have loads of fry. I'm going to breed corys and honey gouramis, but anyways. If one of the girlies gets a bit nippy, can I give her a time out in a breeding net, or is it like danios where you can't?

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