Growth On Tail Fin


New Member
Sep 25, 2015
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Help! I've been out of the country for almost a month and upon coming back I noticed a growth on the tail of one of my fish. Could someone identify it for me?

Outside of needing to clean the algae, I add water about once every 2 weeks. (60 gal tank) temperature is maintained at 80' and ammonia is about .003. No other readings at the moment.
Thank you
I believe that is lymphocystis. I don't know much about it. Let's wait on a second opinion
If that is what it ends up being, it will most likely clear up on its own in several weeks. Few questions, what size is the tank and how many fish and what kinds are in the tank? Water conditions need to be pristine right now if he's going to improve.
60 gal tank, and I have 11 other fish. Most are community fish. plecostomas, tetra, mollys, and I have an angelfish and a friendly gourami. I haven't noticed any other conditions on the rest of them.

Further info, I do add APIs stress coat+ and their tap water conditioner to it whenever I change water.
It can be invisible to the naked eye if the other fish have it. I believe it takes a few weeks to show symptoms which are the tumor like masses you see. There's really not much you can do to speed up the recovery process. It can be brought on by stress and overcrowded tanks from what I read. I really don't think overcrowding is an issue in your tank. When you were out of the country, was someone watching the fish regularly? Is there any way you could get nitrite and nitrate readings for your tank?
No, I had a auto feeder on it while I was gone...I hadnt really worried. I'll go and get a test kit and check the levels. Would it be something that is contagious?
The API master test kit is fantastic and has over 800 tests in it. The strip tests do not work as well. Auto feeders are usually bad news, I wouldn't doubt if some of your water stats are amiss. I believe it is contagious but not necessarily life threatening. Try and get those stats asap and post them on here if you can. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrates, pH.

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