

Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2009
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Hi, I was wondering how long it takes for fish to show growth. I know its going to be different for each genus. I've kept cories for 2 years and they didnt grow at all. I observed them eating peacefully and made sure each one ate. Now I have cichlids and they too arent growing. Granted, I've only had them for 5 months, but they should still be growing shouldn't they? They all eat and have plenty of space in the tank. What have you all observed in the growth times for your fish?
I have some Cory aeneus. I bought them in April and they were .75 in. then. They are now 1.5 in., so they have just about doubled in size since then. Are you buying fish that are already adult size? I can't imagine most cichlids not showing some growth in 5 months. Maybe you just aren't noticing?
The Peppered cories that I bought were 1.25 inches to begin with and never showed signs of growth. My neighbor had the same kind and they grew more than mine and reached approximately 2 inches. The cihclids are yellow labs and are 2 inches right now and have always been. This is really puzzling to me.
Can you define plenty of space? How about weekly water changes? What exactly are you feeding, and how often? Tank temperature? Do you test your water? I think you should be noticing some growth. This is puzzling to me. Mine grow fast. I feed tiny amounts often. I always pick the highest protein food I can find (appropriate to the species.) I never miss the weekly 20 percent water change.

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