Growing plants


Fish Connoisseur
Feb 16, 2008
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I've seen a few posts recently asking about growing plants.
This is a cheapie 20G tank with the cheap LED that it came with - I bought it as an emergency for fish that were tearing up other fish :grr:

Until recently it only had the 9 lamb-chop rasboras. This was always my worst tank for algae and plant growth, or rather lack thereof. I always assumed it was down to the cheap LED. Then about a year ago I added an adult bristlenose. Like all my tanks the glass gets a wipe every few months and the substrate never gets cleaned and I don't add fertiliser. Recently the tank looks great. I think it because with the extra waste (and feeding) the tank now has a much better balance of nutrients for the plants. All I ever do is add food and regular water changes - with RO. Filter contains a single piece of sponge which gets rinsed when I do water changes. Since adding the BN it does come out a lot dirtier than it used to.

Yes I know its a really boring tank with really easy plants but my approach is always to find plants that thrive in my tanks rather than putting in a lot of work to get the plants growing nicely.

Oh and it seems like its time for an MTS cull :rofl:

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