Growing Pack.


Fish Herder
Apr 19, 2003
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Calgary Canada
My little pack grew a while back, I now have 8 Dwarfs and 3 South American puffers (sadly I lost my 4th S/A to an internal parasite attack :-( ) so I thought I'd post a few pics :D

Here's Hunter, one of my S/A's - Colomesus asellus

3 S/A's and one Dwarf



1 x nomination for fish of the month > the pic of th elittle puffer going past the pot ,first pic :thumbs:
They are really cute - do they have to be in a species tank or can I put a couple in my community tank?
  They are really cute - do they have to be in a species tank or can I put a couple in my community tank? 

Colomesus asellus - South American puffer is probably the mellowist of the FW/BW puffers and can do well in a community set up, with a minimum of fin nipping. That being said, as with all puffers, their individual personalities range from wuss to psycho (most in the wuss range) so if you decide to add them to a community setting try to avoud slow long finned tankmates, and aggressive tankmates. My little SA's will activly hunt the guppy fry, but once they are bigger than a grain of rice they seem to be safe. I haven't seen them nip at the bigger ones yet.

As for the Dwarfs - Tetraodon travancorcus...nippy little beggers, definately not sutiable for a community tank IMO, you might get lucky and get some with good temperments, but IME they can be nasty to tankmates. I have had luck keeping Ottos and Bumblebee Gobies (although most recomend BW my BBG's have been if FW for over a year with no troubles yet) with them but they chew on the guppies and swordtails quite a bit.
Where do you do your fish shopping? I do most of mine at Golds and Francos. Chums is priced ok on food, but their accessories are overpriced.
The bulk of my shopping is done at Pisces, just off McKnight and Edmonton Trail, clean tanks, helpful staff (mostly) and a big selection of fish, they have 4 puffer species in now, 8's. GSP's, Targets, and 1 big Pignose. I like the selection at Oceans on Centre and 25th N. Good clean tanks and healthy fish. But I drop in and check out most of them every now and then

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