I have not got a huge experience with plants. I have only had a maximum of 13 tanks with plants at one time. I have only done one with pressurized CO2 added. So, I have come to rely on one the world's premier grower of plants for good advice and information. I have used their liquid plant ferts for over 2 decades now.
Since I have never been a member of planted tank site of which there are several quality ones. I have mostly relied on the information on the Tropica site and I would suggest you spend some time there.
The site is a treasure trove of [plant information:
https://tropica.com/en/ You will learn more there than most fish sites offer.
The two most important sections of the Tropica site on which you should spend time reading and looking are
Guide and
Plant Care.
One last comment, I started out with the easier plants worked my way up to the more complex and difficult set-ups and then ended up back at the easier to keep stuff. I t is very easy to get sucked into the plant side of things and a lot of fun. But at heart I keep fish and I have live plants because of how much they contribute to a healthy aquarium and how beneficial they are for many of the fish we keep.
I let go of my CO2 added tank because the amount of time I had to spend to keep it looking good was more than I had to spendo n several other ****** tanks. So I actually gave it up and sold the CO2 unit. Now I do a much simpler approach using easier to care for varieties and a much smaller diversity in the plants. I went back to what drew me into the hobby and concentrated more on the fish and less on the plants. Also, the more sophisticated one wants to get with plants, the more you will be spending.
I was lucky when I began to add live plants to my tanks. I had kept both a flower ganden and did a bit of vegetable gardening for many years. Many of the principles of land and water gardens are similar, so I when I got into live plant in tanks, I had a decent foundation. Ultimately I stopped outdoor gardening because I became too immersed in the fish side of things and got involved with breeding plecos.