Growing Algae


Jan 8, 2014
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(First off I hope this is the right section to post this in)
Sooooo I have been trying to grow some algae on some rocks for my tiger snail for a while now. My first attempted yielded black algae and I was told that snails don't eat that kind so I rinsed everything and tried again and for a while nothing. Well it had been sitting on my windowsill. I noticed a wasp and drowned (or something) in the cup of water and I meant to take it out but forgot then next day BOOM there's green algae on the rocks. Does that normally happen?? Does decomposition help algae grow or something???
When you add nutrients to the water it gives the algae something to feed on that's why most people use the water from there tanks to grow the algae in since it usaly has some of those nutrients from the fish waist so yes that is probably what kicked off the growth :)
I used old tank water too so maybe there wasn't enough nutrients in it or something. Was it bad that I took the wasp out then???
No if bugs get in it take them out what I usually do is take a little pinch of food and put it in the container your trying to grow in that will start to break down and feed the algae.
Yup. Put some food in and it should decompose eventually... Therefore promoting algae growth

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