Grow Out Tank Questions


Fish Addict
Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
Chandler, Arizona U.S.A.
Looking for opinions on how many bettas can be kept in different size grow out tanks prior to individual jarring. In my case I have a spawn of 64 that are just over 4 weeks old. Several of the fry are much larger than others and I'm planning on moving the larger guys to a separate tank to give the smaller ones a better chance of getting more food. Right now they are all in a 20 long tank, could I get by with another 20 long for the 20-25 larger ones or should I consider going to a 30 gallon tank? I've also got a couple of 15-20 gallon plastic tubs I could optionally move some into as well as a couple of empty 10 gallon tanks. I've got plenty of heaters and filters (box, power and sponge) so that won't be an issue.
The extra 20 gallon sounds fine to me, but I guess the more room you can give them the better. If you already have the tubs though maybe use those and spread them out as need be. I managed with 2 x 20g longs for my spawn of 89, they just got hoofed over into the extra one as they got bigger to even things out which is what happened. I

like to spread the spawns out actually because if you have a disaster with failed heater or disease outbreak (perish the thought) then at least you don't lose them all :crazy:

Look forward to seeing pics of the fry :)
Thank you Joby for your reply. I agree with your thoughts on splitting a spawn out, I do that routinely with my swordtail fry just in case a problem develops in one tank - at least not everyone is at risk.

Any other breeders have any recommendations? This is my first spawn so I'm a little paranoid about overcrowding them (even with daily water changes).

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