grey spot


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
2 of my albino cories have like grey spots on their sides....theyre on both sides of both fish.any ideas what they are? -_-
I am not sure as to what that is, but my two bronze corries, have white spots on the side of their heads.

That is quite odd.

But when did your fish start having these marks?
Are they flicking and rubbing on objects and can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, how many fish and which type.
Hi germanshepherdlver and wrs :)

Your corys shouldn't have any spots at all. If they have just appeared, it's probably a bacterial infection starting up. It's not at all unusual, especially if the temperature of your tanks is warming up with the season.

I would suggest doing an immediate and large water change and a good bottom cleaning. That and a dose of MelaFix might clear the situation right up if it has been caught early. If not, then you might have to use a stronger medicine. If the MelaFix is going to work, you will see improvement in just a day or two.

Good luck with this. Please let me know if these spots are gone in a couple of days. :D

water is fine dont have exact results because i get it tested at the LFS

13gallon tank
4 platies and a guppie and the 4 albinos

its not like a spot its just a dark grey circle shadowey area just behind the two front(sorry dont know scientific names!)fins.theyre acting fine no flicking etc and are just playing with the others and eating as usual :thumbs:

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