Greetings & salutations!


New Member
Mar 19, 2022
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I kept freshwater community tanks in the distant past, but have not had one for about 15 years now. I will be starting up again in the next few months and wanted to brush up on my knowledge before setting up the tank and bringing fish home. I look forward to virtually meeting everyone and learning about keeping fish happy and healthy.
Welcome to TFF!
Any plans for your new tank? I'll be looking forward to your tank journal if you make one! 🙂
Thank you! I have a 75 gallon and want to do a heavily planted community tank with angels, corydoras, Cardinal tetras, khuli loaches, and maybe zebra danios and one type of live bearer. The plan is to get the angels last and to get the smallest ones I can find in hopes that keeps them from snacking on the cardinals, but I know that's still a possibility.
Well, welcome to the forum... :hi:
Even with 15 years of absence of a fishtank, for sure some things overhere will be familiar to you... :)

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