Greetings Aquatic Ones


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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Hello everybody. I just registered for the site after reading it for a couple of days. It seems like there is a lot of good information here and some very knowledgable people.

I'm looking to set up a new tank so I'll be posting some questions in the appropriate forums. I consider myself a newbie when it comes to fishkeeping because it's been so long since I've owned a fish.

I used to have a Jack Dempsey that I kept in a 20 gallon tank. He lived for about 7 years and grew to about 7 inches long. However, I had no idea what I was doing and after reading all the information here I'm surprised he lived that long.

Now I have a family and I want to set up a tank in our dining room area. My daughter is 2 years old and is fascinated by fish. I'm not sure what size tank or what kind of fish to get, but I'll work all of that out.

I look forward to chatting with you, all!
If youv'e foundmoney..

Its mine :p

Welcome :) it is a good site if you need urgent help go into chat ,we keep prisoners in there to help people :thumbs:

Tip them on your way out :p
:hi: to the forum.

We should definitely be able to help you out. However, the best thing to do is to get the biggest tank you can afford and house. Quarantine tank is also a good idea.

Join our school.
Hi FoundMoney and :hi: to the forum!

This is a great place for information and advice! I hope you enjoy it here! :D
Thank you all for the kind welcome. I look forward to wasting, er, um, I mean, spending many hours reading and contributing to these forums.

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