Greetings And Salutations


New Member
Dec 8, 2008
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Birmingham UK
Hi everyone!
I'm new here and thought I'd drop in to introduce myself. My name is Caroline - or more often Cazz - whichever you prefer, I live in Birmingham UK and am 21 years old.

I've been keeping coldwater fish for a good few years now, but have recently been given my first tropical tank due to my parents upgrading the tank in our living room. It's been set up for about 5 weeks now, and had it's first residents move in about 2 weeks ago. Although this is my first tank, my parents have been keeping tropicals for years, so I'm not a complete newbie to the ins & outs of keeping fish.

I've got a 30gal tropical tank, which currently houses (note some of these 'came with the tank')
1 Male Siamese Fighting Fish - named Captain Jack :rolleyes:
6 Penguin Tetras
3 Glowlight Tetras
2 Glass Bloodfin Tetras
3 Young Angelfish (They're getting their own tank soon, don't worry)
3 Sailfin Mollies (1 male, 2 female)

And in my cold/temperate tank are:
2 Orandas
1 Yellow Goldfish
1 Blackmoor
3 Zebra Danios
5 Whitecloud Mountain Minnows

As well as fish-and-other-pet-keeping I'm a huge bookworm, with a collection of books pushing the 2,000 mark and I also have a huge interest in Childrens Literature, Feminism, Mythology and some History.
I have quite a few tattoos and live in a house with 10x more animal residents than people. I like gothic/rock music and culture & also like model making, sewing, and drawing.

I pre-warn you that although I think I'm pretty good with the common names of fish, I can't ever remember the scientific names, so please be nice & don't confuse me :good:

Look forwards to getting to know you all xxx

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