I have had a shoal of 4 Tiger barbs for around 8 months now, When i first got them they had distinctive markings i.e. black stripes on an orange body... Over time they stripes have become less distinctive and it seems the black has spread to more scales and now there looks to be a greenish tint (almost like they are growing algae!!) on the new black scales.
Another thing, i just added another tiger to the group to make 5, but this one seems different, the 4 original tigers have quite bright orange nose/mouths but the new one has a duller orange (like the rest of the body) nose/mouth, is this down to maturity or gender??
Any information would be great
Another thing, i just added another tiger to the group to make 5, but this one seems different, the 4 original tigers have quite bright orange nose/mouths but the new one has a duller orange (like the rest of the body) nose/mouth, is this down to maturity or gender??
Any information would be great