Green Water


Fish Crazy
Mar 22, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi guys,

I have noticed that my water is not that clear as it was before, its not exactly green but its kinda blurry atleast its not clear to me anymore and the walls of the tanks becoming green I would say light green color. Also rocks that have been cleared by snails and have white color, getting green very quickly.
Any idea why it might happend, I do 10% water change every week and just made one a day ago. Cleaned filter and skimmer.

Thanks for your help.
Probably phytoplankton. Will turn the water pea soup green in a few days if so... UV sterilizers work best and can clear it within a day, but if you don't have one of these then you could try covering the tank for a few days and turning the lights off. If you choose this route it is important that no light gets in, and that you leave it for several days, as any portion of the algae remaining will restart the bloom.
The white on the rocks is probably coralline algae dieoff. Usually happens in the beginning of tank setup/cycling. SH
Activated carbon is known to clear up discoloured/cloudy water so might be worthwile giving it a try ;)
Dont take this the wrong way, im not saying your stupid or anything....

Have you tried wiping the glass?

Specific phytoplankton eating filter feeders can help clear it up.
Dont take this the wrong way, im not saying your stupid or anything....

Have you tried wiping the glass?

Specific phytoplankton eating filter feeders can help clear it up.

No problem, I am still the beginner and dont know many things yet.
I cleaned glass every day from the inside, I cant tell exactly maybe problem is not the water, but my glass. Glass gets completely green in a day or too. Light green color. Its also visible on the top of rocks. When I clean glass I can see like kinda green dust gets away from the glass.

Can u please tell me more about phytoplankton eating filter feeders?

Thank you very much.
feather dusters, they eat phyto and other micro water-bourne life.

Sometimes you even end up feeding it phyto purpously.
I checked my phosphate levels its around 0.05-0.1 is that too much. If yes whats the best way to lower it.
Thank you.
GFO (granular ferric oxide, a phosphate absorber, think if it as activated carbon that absorbs phosphates) and preventing addition of phosphates is the best way. Whats your source water's phosphate level?
I am not sure it does not say on the salt mix bag. I use Reef Chrystals mix, maybe you heard of it.
I just got back from vacation, and the phosphate remover I added before I went there did a job, phosphate
drop to 0 and algoe does not grow that fast anymore. I think it worked.

Thank you.

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