green water help!!!!!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
nutrafin CO2
65w CF
overdosed the fertz (accident)
Penguin 170 w/carbon whisper 10 w/carbon
4 live plants

For a week now i've had green water before that it was cloudy yesterday a did a 50% water change how can i get rid of it
my fish are dying also i just got rid of ich using
aquarium products quick cure--Active ingredients-Formalin,Malachite Green
What should i do

this is not my tank but this is what it looks like
Do a 3 day blackout, minimum 50% water change beforehand, and another immeaditaly after.
wow... it would be kindof interesting to actually see a tank go all soupy like that. even though it would be a good way of checking how the tank water circulates, it looks more of a pita than what it's worth. hope it clears up soon, I hear the blackouts usually fix the problem.

you could also try getting more plants to absorb the light and nutrients better than the algae. also if the tank is getting direct sunlight it might be better if it were more shaded.

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