Green Water gone, but its still white/cloudy


Fish Gatherer
Dec 6, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Canada
After fighting a month or so battle with green water, i've finally beaten it.

But now my water is back to the white cloudy/ milky looking water. I know that that is normally due to a bacterial bloom, but I would think after having the tank set up for 2 1/2 months I would have enough bacteria built up. I've been good and cleaning my filter media in tank water, and making sure not to use cold water to rinse plants before putting them in.

Any ideas as to what could be causing it? And more importanty, how to get rid of it?

Here are my stats:
temp 76°F
pH 6.6
kH 5°
nitrates 0 - 5
nitries 0
ammonia 0
and 35mg/l of CO2.

Many thanks
Hi Canoechiq,

Would you say your tank water stays just as cloudy all day? Or does it seem to get worse as the day goes on?

If it's the former, it's likely to be a bacterial bloom as you suggest. Give it a couple of weeks and it should go away, as long as you don't go overboard cleaning your tank and filter.

However, if it worsens as the day goes on, it could be you haven't cured the green
water yet.

Let's hope it's a bacterial bloom!

Good luck!
Hello. I am no expert, and dont know if treatments are bad for plants. But i had your problem last year, and used one dose of Filter Aid, and my tank was clear in about 4 hours.
Wait for a pro to comment though, before you try it! :)
I have a clumping agent that is meant to clear water, but I'm always a little leery of using chemicals. They are a very last resort.

I'm not sure if it gets worse during the day or not. This week I'm working afternoons, so I leave 1 hour after the lights go on, then they are off when I get home. I'll have to see what its like on the weekend, but if the same as how it was before the green water, it never changes.
hi canoechiq, i'm really stumped here. it could be ammonia but if that were the case your nitrite would be through the roof so cant be that.

are your fish looking healthy?? no gasping or anything?
For the most part they are healthy. I did have a problem a while back with too high co2 levels, and my one platty is still clamping his fins. Everyone is eating and swimming normally.

Should I hold off on adding more fish?
canoechiq said:
Should I hold off on adding more fish?

I wouldn't introduce any more fish until you are happy with the quality of your water.

Good luck!

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