Green tree frogs


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Hi there!
I have had my "boys" for about a year.
One has decided to Stop eating. I have tried force feeding (and before anyone flames me for using that term (i don't like it either)you have to interveen sometimes) and he won't even open his mouth. My hubby thinks this is "his time", but I have read that they live to be like, 10 years old.
He has always taken it from me, no prob. But now, .... I dunno ? :no:
Anybody, with any suggestions, please.
My next step is to bring him to to my pet store and have them help me. I want to help him myself, he is my boy!
please someone with any ideas! :no: :-(
Hi earthgirl :)

I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you are having with your frog. :sad:

I'll leave your thread here in case someone who posts in this forum might see it, but it would be good to post it in the Invertebrates and Amphibians section too. It will double your chances of getting help.

Good luck and I hope he starts eating again soon.
I suggest finding a vet that deals with exotics asap. Your pet store might not know much. Also it probably isn't his time naturally because he is probably sick. But Im not familiar with disease/sicknesses in amphibians. Hope he gets better.
i'm going to direct you to two reptile forums. both are quite active. the first has more tree frog owners so try there first. you may just find your answer. the other doesn't have nearly as many tree frog owners, but may still be a good resource for you: Reptile Forums Herp Center

hope you find some answers. i know tree frogs can be susceptible to certain illnesses, but its been a while since i've done my tree frog research (was going to get some myself, but since the tank was to be in the living room, we decided against them, as the males can be quite vocal at night....we wanted to

if you don't find answers there, don't hesitate to ask professionals. might just save his little croaky life
Wow, thanks to both MasterDrummer and MAM
Hey MAM, the males are vocal only when the hummidity is up, they like to tell me when it is going to rain. They only croak 3 or 4 times. Personally I like it, tells me whether to bring an umbrella! lol :rofl:
earthgirl said:
Wow, thanks to both MasterDrummer and MAM
Hey MAM, the males are vocal only when the hummidity is up, they like to tell me when it is going to rain. They only croak 3 or 4 times. Personally I like it, tells me whether to bring an umbrella! lol :rofl:
rain? whats rain? is that that wet stuff that falls from the sky? haven't seen that in a while............ but then, i live in the desert.............. :lol:

your welcome and let us know how he does
Green tree frogs are beautiful creatures.
They live all around my parents house in the gutters and the trees.
I hope he starts eating again soon! :(
Thanks to everyone else's encouragement!
I have the little froggie seperate in a 10 gallon with nothing but water (that has beend enhanced with vitamins and a formula to encourage feeding) and a yummy bowl of meal worms (I am deathly terrified of worms so this is a good indication of how much I love my froggies! :sick: ). So, hopefully, he (I actually think he is a she), will eat! I have gotten a lot of awesome advice, thanks again MAM!
I have got him placed on my dinning room table for now (no room) and my 3 year old son was encouraging him to eat, "you hungry froggie, have some PIZZA!"
now what do you say to that? :rofl:
Sorry, had to add pics of him. Not too often you can get a good pic!


  • frog_1.jpg
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he/she is a lovely frog. any eating yet??

your son is a doll, offering pizza. i also noticed in your sig that he's named your figure 8 blueberry. too cute
still eating nothing :( :-(
Tonight I will put in some small crickets and a towel over the tank, to make completely black!
Tonight might be the night!
He ate!
I found him this morning in his little pool (that I enhanced with vitamins and appetite enhancer) and I then dropped a couple of crickets in there, (he obvioulsy didn't like the mela worms) and he went for one. He dropped it at first, but went again and succeeded!
Yeah, I am so happy I went and woke up my hubby!
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
:hyper: Cool, glad he's eating.

I used to have a Green Tree Frog called Steve, he was a little groover.
Watch out for meal worms. I was once told that they can eat their way out of an animal. Dunno if its true but it might be worth finding out about.

If you warm up his enclosure it will speed up his metabolism and encourage him to feed. I'd only do it gradually and only a few degrees to start with ;)
Thanks Link!
I have increased the temp, like you said, increases the metabolism!
I will be dumping those meal worms, thanks for the heads up! :D :blink:

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