I have been away for two days and have come back to find one of my green tipped barbs dead. It was floating, had lost all colour and had cloudy eyes. No previous signs of problems. The other two look healthy, as do all the fish - even the swordtail I have been worried about (see bullying). There very no obvious wounds or growths etc.. Levels, pH, ammonia (Oppm) etc all fine. Anything I should do? Are the other fish at risk? This is my first loss. cool_jool
sorry to hear about your loss m8. if all of the water params are in order it may just be a stress related death. had you noticed if the dead fish was constanly bullied by the others? I've lost a few fish this way...
Sorry to hear that cj - its never nice to loose a fish
I believe barbs can be a bit aggressive especially in small numbers (with one getting picked on) which is dissipated in a larger shoal and as tanked says led to stress
The loss of colour and cloudy eyes is normal on a dead fish....
Just keep a close eye on the other fish for the next few days for any signs of illness...
Maybe when you're happy everything is OK consider getting a few more of the barbs...
I have an algae eater which has been bullying a swordtail - I have isolated her - but I had not noticed him bullying the barbs. All the rest look healthy this morning. Perhaps it's a one off. Still though. cool_jool
im really sorry to hear about your loss im surprised about the alge eater if it is the alge eater. perhaps your isolateing the wrong fish... i cant think of anything to help allot i think goes on at night while we are not watching out tanks.