Green tiger barbs


New Member
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
Slough Berks(Scottish)
Is it quite usual for my 4 tigerbarbs to be chasing each other and espacially one which goes for the pectoral fins of the others and now some of the fish swim at a slight angle - I believe that their pectoral fins may be damaged but dont look it !
I am told that barbs will contend with each other if in a group (which so far is true of mine)
They will always chase and nibble each other. The fewer you have the more they will do it. IMO get a few more and let them work out their own pecking order. I dont know if your fish are hurt or not, but id they don't improve i would seek expert advice.
A slightly larger group will dissapate the aggresion

What does your water test like? and how long has the tank been running?

www :)
Well I tested on Monday :
No real plant

pH = 7.2
Nitrite = 0
Nitrate = 0
KH Hardness = 5
GH = 0

I did a dose of anti-white spot the morning of doing the test (as barbs have ich, IS THAT CAUSING AGGRESSION?) so I dont know if they have messed up the readings but apart from hardness which should be lower I am curious why my readings for nitrite/nitrate are so low I have had tank for 7 months and fish in it for 6 i.e. let sit for 1 month doing its stuff

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