Im thinking of adding a Green Tiger Barb to my school of 4 Tiger Barbs will the Green Tiger Barb school with them or should I get a few more Green Tiger barbs? Thnx
Green and regular tiger barbs will school together. I have seen many tanks house both together and they all get along. Here is a video of a mixed tank: http/
They are such an active fish and are great at viewing social behavior.
Plus i understand you only have 4 atm, if it is possible i would add 3 more to get a bit of a bigger shoal. With tiger barbs, the more the merrier (if you have the space!).
Thnx live_the_wild I currently have 5 regular Tiger Barbs. Now that I know that they'll school together, I think I might add 2 more green Tiger Barbs. They're very active n fun to watch. Great help