Green Tiger Barb?


New Member
May 16, 2009
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i've heard they nip fins off big fish but would they ever nip the fins of small fish (fish there size)?
there one of my favortie fish and im considering adding them to my community tank
they will nip anything they can get at, keeping a nice sized group of atleast 8 usually keeps them calmer
i've heard they nip fins off big fish but would they ever nip the fins of small fish (fish there size)?
there one of my favortie fish and im considering adding them to my community tank

How big is your tank?
They are very nippy fish.
We started off with 6 regular type, they nipped, chased, harassed. Got 6 albino, no more nipping... Not even amongst themselves which I find surprising. They're also in a big tank so gives them all lots of room which they definitely take advantage of.
Just my opinion, after seeing how ours act, I would not put them in a tank w/ any slow moving fish, and a tank size of no less than 55gal.. specially for the size group you would need to get to hopefully keep nipping down to a minimum.
I have 6 green tiger barbs, 9 Danios and 1 ruby shark and all are new - 2 months from the store. I was advised to buy no less than 6 and they are fine, if anything they are being hassled by the shark as they are very territorial and don't like the barbs around the bottom of the tank. However, none of my fish have long fins and this is what you have watch out for! We were told that gtbarbs and angel fish were a big no no - even long finned danios were too! I haven't been doing this very long but after much research I am under the impression that they are much better in groups so they have their own kind to hierachy! Like I said we have 6 and I don't know if it helps but the shark does give them regular reminders of who is in charge even though he doesn't seem at all bothered by the danios and the tank is only 27 litres. We are currently looking for a bigger tank as they will all grow but they still need to have swimming space so make sure that they have enough room too otherwise the emphasis will be on the other fish!

Hope this helps!
aquacube3... you have ALL of those fish in a little 7 gallon tank? You need to get a larger tank ASAP. None of those fish are suited for a 7gallon tank. Even the danios. They're small, but due to their activity level need a much larger tank.
try to keep your barbs in odd number roups to prevent pairin, this also heps reduce stress

i have 6 now, i started with three and added three... yes i have an even number but will be getting more unless i can breed them and bear my own :)
I'm new to tropical fish as well and I decided to buy x5 Green Tiger Barbs which seem to be a very lively and interesting fish but they are not to be kept with fish with fancy fins so they aren't every ones cup of tea but I like them :nod:
Unfortunately I lost x4 of them and only have 1 left which seems to be fine at the moment and hasn't become aggressive to my cherry barbs although I will be getting him some more friends to keep him company as they should be kept in a group of at least 5 or more

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