Green Tiger Barb


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2005
Reaction score
Falkirk Scotland.

Purchased 8 very small GTBs on Saturday one is quite stationery and looking almost vertical with Nose pointed down, Just noticed its waste is rather light colour. Obvious its Ill but what is it?

Tank is 260l vision running 6weeks only occupants are 1 x RTB and 4 Zebra Danios.

Amm, Nitrite all 0

PH 7

Nitrate is a bit low at 10ppm.

Help appreciated.
hi there
you should never see a fish poop, this means that you are ovefeeding and what you see is undigested food.
how often do you feed? I recomend once a day for 6 days a week (day off from feeding). any food should be gone within 5mins max, if you still have food in the tank after that time you have given too much.

with TBs the vertical swimming position is an advertisment that says "hey, I'm here and willing :hey: "
I bet if you look closely at the vertical TB you'll notice a red nose and red on the front edge of the dorsal fin
this will tell you that it is a male.
Hi Wolf thanks for the reply

I thought i was careful with the overfeeding as this is the one problem beginners really have. I do feed them flakes 2 times a day and go one day a week without but food is gone in less than 90secs. They get frozen bloodworm or brine shrimp once a week and a slice of cucumber or lettace.

My other tank 60l biorb wow total waste of money (i should have read more) I see the fish especially the swordtails waste hanging. Is this also overfeeding? What I have said regarding feeding do you still think Iam feeding to much.

Thanks again.
hi there
if you are sure that you are not overfeeding
then there maybe an internal parasite problem
Normal waste should be solid looking, opaque, and a
colour that reflects what the fish is being fed.

I would moniter the fish for any other symptoms
like erratic swimming, flicking, lethargy etc.
also try a two day fast to see if that has an effect on the colour,
length of waste

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