green terrors and australian arowana


New Member
Feb 13, 2004
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Torrance, CA
well in tank number 1: i have 2 silver arowanas and a tiger gold datnoid.
in tank #2: i have two tiger oscars and a managuense.
The two tanks look very empty right now because these fish aren't that big. So i was planning to get a green terror and put it in the oscars tank. Is this okay or will they start fighting? The managuense is quite active because he picks on the sucker fish i have. But it will never pick on my oscars because the oscars "own" the tank. The oscars are about 6 in. and the managuense is about 4-5in.
In the arowana tank, i want to get an australian arowana. My friend told me that the australian will kill the silver arowanas, this true? I don't want to get it if that's going to happen. If not the australian, then i'm planning to get a freshwater ray.
How much do each of these fish (ray, terror and australian) go for? What are some other fish that I can consider getting for each tank? Is there anything else that I should know about before getting these fish besides that they're all "monster" fish? BTW, each tanks are 60 gallons so there's a lot of room. Thanks for reading.
The australian arowana will kill a silver arowana without a doubt, S.jardini is a very aggressive fish that can only be kept with bottom dwellers and fish that can handle a beating on a regular basis.

While your tanks may seem empty now you are heading for trouble rapidly, 60 gallons isnt really that big, to keep a pair of oscars you will need 120 gallons just for them, throw the jag into it as well and your looking at wanting a 180 gallon tank, to keep the 2 silver arowanas your going to need a 600 gallon tank minimum! The ray could happily fit into a tank with the arowanas and tiger fish, both are ideal tankmates but again the minimum size for a ray would be 120 gallons. I wouldnt advise adding anymore large or aggressive fish to your collection until you can get some much larger tanks.
In your sig it sayd you are keeping them in a 60 gallon is this true?
jardini aro's are ok usually when small it is after they hit 12'' or so when they start to get mean and turn on there tank mates and you will need quite a large aquarium as they can hit 30''.
ryan said:
In your sig it sayd you are keeping them in a 60 gallon is this true?
yes it's tru but they're all comfortable and I know they grow fast and I know I need a way bigger tank that's why for now, I'm separating them. I'm planning to get a larger tank soon, don't worry :) as for getting another fish, i'm putting that on hold or maybe not even get one. I gotta buy other stuff for my other tank such as gravel and rocks and stuff so....we'll see.
rbcxpeter said:
ryan said:
In your sig it sayd you are keeping them in a 60 gallon is this true?
yes it's tru but they're all comfortable and I know they grow fast and I know I need a way bigger tank that's why for now, I'm separating them. I'm planning to get a larger tank soon, don't worry :) as for getting another fish, i'm putting that on hold or maybe not even get one. I gotta buy other stuff for my other tank such as gravel and rocks and stuff so....we'll see.
For one Arowana, you need a 300 gallon tank, for two, more than 600, and with the Jardini, you will need to buy him his own 300 gallon, and the Oscars need to be in a tank separate from the Arowana's too (Arowana's aren't that friendly, and would even possibly end up killing and eating your Oscar). Tiger Datnoids are usually Brackish too...
Sounds like you'll need to buy a new house to keep all of them. :) Just make sure you get there bigger tanks fast, because none of the fish you have are slow growers, and will double their size's in a heartbeat.
Thats not all strictly true, while a jardini arowana will need a 250 to 300 gallon tank it wont need it all to its self, they can be combined with catfish, bichirs and other mainly bottom dwelling fish provided there are sufficient hiding places and they are too big to just be swallowed. Oscars generally make good tankmates for arowanas providing neither fish is greatly bigger than the other, a arowana isnt able to eat a full grown oscar.

Datnoids microlepis is a freshwater species that is often wrongly kept in brackish water, they can survive brackish conditions but tend to lose the bright white stripes and turn a grey colour, other species of tiger fish are true brackish fish however. Datnoids tend to grow quite slowly compared to other predators and take several years to reach near full size, mine has only grown around 2" in the last 6 months.
CFC said:
Thats not all strictly true, while a jardini arowana will need a 250 to 300 gallon tank it wont need it all to its self, they can be combined with catfish, bichirs and other mainly bottom dwelling fish provided there are sufficient hiding places and they are too big to just be swallowed. Oscars generally make good tankmates for arowanas providing neither fish is greatly bigger than the other, a arowana isnt able to eat a full grown oscar.

Datnoids microlepis is a freshwater species that is often wrongly kept in brackish water, they can survive brackish conditions but tend to lose the bright white stripes and turn a grey colour, other species of tiger fish are true brackish fish however. Datnoids tend to grow quite slowly compared to other predators and take several years to reach near full size, mine has only grown around 2" in the last 6 months.
Well, you certainly corrected me! :) I guess you learn something new every day (but, as it proved obvious, I'm not very educated on the fish in this topic anyways).

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