green terror living up to his name!


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
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ya so my green terror that ive had for a while, and had no problems with, has all of a sudden become extremely violent towards my tiger oscar that is about the same size as it...i was forced to take the green terror out of the tank for fear it would kill my oscar, and it is now it a ten gallon tank as a temp home...i want to keep him, but i dont want him terrorizing my there anything i could do to make him less agressive towards my oscar? what can i do? help!
unfortuantly the only thing you can do is to divide the tank or get another tank for the GT.
Don't know how big or small your tank is but if it were me I'd get rid of the Oscar. All the Oscars I've owned were no match for the rest of the Cichlids comming out of the South/Central Americas (other than something that would fit in it's mouth). I'm saying this if you have a 100 gallon tank it's really a waste of space (for an Oscar) and if you have a 40 gallon it's too small (figuring the other tank is a ten). For Cichlids you really need a long tank not tall (unless you're keeping Angels/Discus).
juanveldez said:
unfortuantly the only thing you can do is to divide the tank or get another tank for the GT.

juanveldez: I disagree... other options include finding hobby stores that take trade-in or trading/selling him to another hobbyist. Locally (Winnipeg, Manitoba) we are blessed that in a city of 700,000, with about 12 - 15 hobby stores, that about 1/3 of them take trade-in.

seanpatrick: If you live in a large city I suggest calling some stores and ask about trade-in... you may have better luck getting rid of the Oscar as more hobbyists keep those and as stated previously, they are not nearly as aggressive as other CA/SA cichlids.
BrownBullhead said:
juanveldez said:
unfortuantly the only thing you can do is to divide the tank or get another tank for the GT.

juanveldez: I disagree... other options include finding hobby stores that take trade-in or trading/selling him to another hobbyist. Locally (Winnipeg, Manitoba) we are blessed that in a city of 700,000, with about 12 - 15 hobby stores, that about 1/3 of them take trade-in.

seanpatrick: If you live in a large city I suggest calling some stores and ask about trade-in... you may have better luck getting rid of the Oscar as more hobbyists keep those and as stated previously, they are not nearly as aggressive as other CA/SA cichlids.

that would be assuming that he wants to get rid of the fish, I would raither assume that he is going to keep the fish.

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