green terror hybrid

Benji k

Oct 13, 2022
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does anyone have pics of green terror and blue acara hybrids mine have recently breed and i want to see what they will eventually look like the female is a green terror and the male is a blue acara
Some look like a blue acara, some like a green terror, some will be like a blue acara but with the yellow edge on the dorsal fin, and some that look like the green terror have a white edge on their dorsal fin, and some look completely different.
Some look like a blue acara, some like a green terror, some will be like a blue acara but with the yellow edge on the dorsal fin, and some that look like the green terror have a white edge on their dorsal fin, and some look completely different.
If it looks more like a green terror will the male grow a hump when mature
a lot of male cichlids get the lumpy head. It's a fatty deposit and an indication he is eating well, so the females like it

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