Green Terror Fry!!!!


Jul 10, 2003
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Texas, USA
Wasting no time here, I have a couple of pics of my Green Terror fry with the parents! They are really allowing us to see that everything I've heard about cichlids and their parenting behaviour is true. They are on constant watch over their young and they both defend their fry with great enthusiasm. I have wanted to experience for myself seeing a fish actually watch over their young and now, surprise surprise! I get to do just that!

Green Terrors grow to be 9-10" in aquaria. They reach sexual maturity according to what info I've been able to find at about 4-5". It was quite a shock to me that these two have bred at 2.5" (male) and 2" (female).

Here they are with dad...............

This is the best shot I have so far of the fry:

With mom.........

Dad does NOT like when I get any where near the tank at all. He flares and charges toward the glass. Its really exciting watching them. You can also see the mom here in front of the castle. The castle is 8" in length. Just for a size comparison.
Thanks! He does have amazing color for still being a juvie doesn't he! I look forward to the day he's full grown, he should be gorgeous. I have a 5" male in one of my show tanks. He's also quite stunning.

And Farscape ROCKS! It crushed me when they cancelled it. Shame on SciFi for that one. I've read on some of the Farscape boards that the cast is in the studio now so maybe we can get the happy ending we've all felt cheated out of when SciFi cancelled with no warning at the end of the season! I'm keeping my eye out for the release date! I can't wait!!!
He's still a juvie?! With those colors?! Damn he's amazing! I would love to see a pic of your 5" male...if he looks anything like this one, then I think I'm gonna be in love. :wub:

Yeah, I wasn't too happy when Sci-Fi cancelled it either. The ending they gave us just totally sucked. Maybe they will make a movie or something to end it that would be cool! B) And one more thing...PILOT RULES!!!! :wub: :lol:
The water parameters are excellent, salinity isn't a factor as these are freshwater fish. I'll have to move my thermometer back to this tank as I currently have it in my 2g hex with my 2 surviving angelfish fry.

I am taking a wild-a$$ guess on how many fry are there, but it looks like at least 200. Not bad for first time parents! My angels have laid eggs 5 times now and I only have 2 baby angels because I interceded and moved some wigglers into a breeders box. (long story)

Here's a not so great pic of my 5" male. His name is Cuervo. I've had him for at least 9 months now and as is typical with the slow growth of green terrors when I bought him he was maybe 2".
My baby GT's are in a 20gL grow-out tank. Looks like they won't be moving in with Cuervo now tho!
Your GT's are beautiful!!! Congrats on the wee ones! :thumbs:
Plans for the fry....... I'm going to try to sell some to one or more of the lfs, maybe trade for store credit to get food and what not. If not, then I have a few friends that want some and the rest will be grown just big enough to be feeders. I have 5 tanks with cichlids (mostly very BIG cichlids) so having my own feeder supply would be both economical and safer than store bought goldies or rosie reds.

My babies with fry are in my 20 gallon Long tank that I've intended as a grow out tank for them. Eventually, they will get at least a 55gal, perhaps to themselves if the breeding continues and becomes profitable in some way. Cuervo, my 5" male is in my 55g show tank. He lives currently with a 4" Turquoise Severum named "Cotton", 3" Firemouth "Red", 3" Blackbelt "BB" and our 11" Silver Arowana "Pliskin". These may all be getting moved into a new home in the next couple of weeks as we are fixin to get a 125. Once we get the 125 set up and going and move the new occupants in, the baby GT's are getting the 55g! Its all going to work out beautifully I'm sure!

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