Wasting no time here, I have a couple of pics of my Green Terror fry with the parents! They are really allowing us to see that everything I've heard about cichlids and their parenting behaviour is true. They are on constant watch over their young and they both defend their fry with great enthusiasm. I have wanted to experience for myself seeing a fish actually watch over their young and now, surprise surprise! I get to do just that!
Green Terrors grow to be 9-10" in aquaria. They reach sexual maturity according to what info I've been able to find at about 4-5". It was quite a shock to me that these two have bred at 2.5" (male) and 2" (female).
Here they are with dad...............
This is the best shot I have so far of the fry:
With mom.........
Dad does NOT like when I get any where near the tank at all. He flares and charges toward the glass. Its really exciting watching them. You can also see the mom here in front of the castle. The castle is 8" in length. Just for a size comparison.
Green Terrors grow to be 9-10" in aquaria. They reach sexual maturity according to what info I've been able to find at about 4-5". It was quite a shock to me that these two have bred at 2.5" (male) and 2" (female).
Here they are with dad...............
This is the best shot I have so far of the fry:
With mom.........
Dad does NOT like when I get any where near the tank at all. He flares and charges toward the glass. Its really exciting watching them. You can also see the mom here in front of the castle. The castle is 8" in length. Just for a size comparison.