Green Terror Female Free To Good Home - Suffolk/essex Area


Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
Reaction score
Livestock: Female Green Terror, approx 2.5"
Quantity for sale: 1
Reason for Sale: GT bought as a juvi Acara, but definitely a GT now she's grown, will get too big for tank
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: Free to good home that's willing to collect or meet somewhere close to where I live
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: Ipswich, Suffolk - close to A12/A14 so easy access, close to Essex border





if you were to post i would take the tetras off of you and the B ram :)
Sorry, I don't know how to post, so wouldn't want to risk the fishies!
Okay fair enough be its easy.

Big poly box. fish bags... You dont need a heat mat in the summer. Put fish in bags and put them in box. then pack the box with scrumbled up new paper balls so the bags not fall or swish around. Sill box with fragile and tape and post special next day devilery and done :D all come to around £10 after everything. just thought i would let you know for next time or something
Again if you can post (it's easy) I will cover the cost of postage.
I'll take her if I can get to you, what's your postcode? I will have my 270 gal running in a few weeks, when fishfurfeather decide to get there act together and deliver.
Am going over mums this weekend (she lives in bury st edmunds)

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