Green Terror Dying


New Member
May 12, 2024
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New York

I’ve had this green terror for about 8 months and he’s never grown. Always stayed small. He looks to be dying now and I dont know why. I don’t know what to do for him to help him! Can someone offer suggestions?!


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Looks like he has got tail rot but that can be from a compromised immune system. Did you do any water changes right before this happened? Any other physical symptoms on his body that is not evident from the photos? It would help if you could fill out the template in the Emergency section. Template for emergencies
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I did do a water change but put conditioner in. I also noticed what I thought was poop but a clear whitish discharge coming from the bottom of the fish, very thin and didn’t look like poop. Thought it was poop though. I did not test the water after though.
I did do a water change but put conditioner in. I also noticed what I thought was poop but a clear whitish discharge coming from the bottom of the fish, very thin and didn’t look like poop. Thought it was poop though. I did not test the water after though.
That indicates worm internal infection...
Praziquantel is an effective medication against roundworms, especially when soaked into food. You can find this in products such as PraziPro. Fenbendazole and levamisole have also been shown to be effective roundworm treatments .

Seachem Metroplex is recommend since it has metronidazole in it.

Use API General Cure, a lot of people used it and it has both Praziquantel and metronidazole in it
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I moved him into a smaller tank because he looked to have slight popeye and I was giving it metro cleanse for a couple weeks. Went to change the water and a few days later he regressed. He’s always been on the small side, very small since I’ve had him and never grew when all my other fish were growing so he always hid. I feel terrible because he just died. What I thought was odd is there was another fish in with him that was a little sick as well and that fish would shake near the one that was dying and almost butt into it which I thought was odd. I’m so disappointed, I’ve had this little guy for a long time but he never looked good.
Thank you for your help, I have much to learn. I just started with fresh water and I’ve had two fish die in the last year which I’m happy it’s not more, I’m just upset because they become attached to you and they were the friendliest fish. Do I have to worry about my other sick fish that were in the tank with that one?
Should I still buy that and put it in the water to protect my other fish that was in there?
Thank you for your help, I have much to learn. I just started with fresh water and I’ve had two fish die in the last year which I’m happy it’s not more, I’m just upset because they become attached to you and they were the friendliest fish. Do I have to worry about my other sick fish that were in the tank with that one?
Yeah, I understand fully, we fall in love with our little friends.

I would keep some medications on hand if the other fish develop the white string poop and you need them. There are resident experts on this site that probably have some proactive treatments you can follow that won't rely on heavy medications at this time.
What is the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate of the water?
What sort of filter is on the tank?
How often and how do you clean the filter?

How often do you do water changes and how much do you change?
Do you gravel clean the substrate when you do a water change?
Do you dechlorinate the new water before adding it to the aquarium?

What other fish are in the tank?
In one of the pictures it looks like you have 2 green terrors in the tank. If they are both male they will fight to the death.

Is the fish eating?
You mention stringy white poop. That can be internal protozoa, bacteria or worms. The following link has more info on them.

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