Green Terror Acting Strange.


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2006
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ok guys. ive owned lotsa pairs of fish and the male will usualy display to the female by flaring his fins and doing a sideways worm like motion, most of my males had done this before mating with their chosen female or to warn away other males.

not to strange really, but my male green terror is doing this to a female bloodparrot.
hes chasing other males away and doing this little " dance " are they preparing to breed? and because male bloodparrots are usualy sterile would the eggs be fertile?
i apologise if this needs to be moved to the hybrid forum.

I wouldnt be surprised if it is, my GT tried to breed with a Blue Acara female (I didnt know it was a female until it laid eggs), and the eggs did hatch, I took away the BA and the GT took over looking after the fry so I had to remove him too (sounds cruel but I did it on purpose to avoid any x-bred fry).

As for the pairing you mention GT & BP, I have no idea if they would hatch, I dont see why not if they were fertile, but I expect that most wouldnt survive (if any at all).
yeah i see what you mean. ive been reading up on the bloodparrot firtility thing, most males arent fertile. some are. but al lfemales can produce viable offspring, thats how they make king kongs and jellybeans. so in theory a large fertile male green terror and a large female bp could produce viable offspring?
and just asking again, the little wiggle thing, am i correct in thinking that it IS a mating thing?
The shaking can equally be a sign of aggression as it can part of a mating ritual. To be honest, in this case it could be either but i have a feeling you'll find out soon enough. :D
I have a male and female green terror, this shaking is both a sign of mating time and aggression, my gts have laid about 3 batches of eggs this last year, havent had any yet this year. the male only seems to get aggressive when he wants to mate, but he hasnt killed anything yet,
he does it to the other male fish in the tank and trys to bite them, but nwhen he does it to the female bp he doesnt show any agression and hes trying to dig a lil pit.


kinggreenterror can you please post a pic of your male?

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