Green Tank


New Member
Feb 16, 2006
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Hi. I have had this problem ever since I got a larger tank. 70 ltr I thing. Everything is Green other than the fish and water. I have to scrape it off the glass with a blade, Ornaments are now very dark. I did water checks and all is spot on. I posted about it before and someone said lack of light. I have a good twin light, although its 8inch above the water level. The lights are on about 8 hours a day. My wife watched a tv program about it and they said it was too much oxygen. I used to have the air pump plus my spray bar from my external filter. Now I just use my external filter with the spray bar removed. Water is falling from from above water level straight out of the pipe. None of the above work. Why I had a small tank it was easy to get rid of waist and muck. Now it looking quite bad. The tank is about 10 months old, so its should be established.
I guess maybe sunlight is hitting the tank, or the tank is overstocked. What type of fish and how big is the tank. It maybe also bad quality of water, every how much u do water changes.
No sunlight reaches the tank. I have 3 shabunkins (cant spell) 1, 6 inch long and 2, 3 inch long. The tank is 3ft long by 18 inch. Oh and a small aquatic frog. They have all lives together for the last 6 years or so. I never had any water problems until I got the larger tank. I feed then blood worms every 2 days and they poo a lot lol. The filter goes a good job of the water, yet waste isn't got rid off from the gravel etc. On my smaller tank, now and again I would drain it and clean it. This isn't really possible with this tank. I did all the ammonia tests etc and all were in range.
How many times do u change ur water in the tank, maybe the the plants are loosing color. Thye are coloring the water.
Got no plants, Just ornaments. I change about 10% per week. Tried doing more to no avail
Its not just coloured, its hard green stuff, coating everything. I have to push quite hard with the stanley blade to remove it from the glass
I need help now. The green turns to a thick black. The ornaments are black. I took then out yet the backs are ok and underside ok too. It not daylight. Its 20ft away from a window which doesn't let the sun onto tank. The water is clear. I can only assume its algae due to fish being large and messing a lot. I have a large ehiem filter, which does a good job. I dont think I am getting the mess out of the gravel enough. Am I correct in saying waste causes algae? If it is algae, why is the tank glass green/black, pipes inside as well as outside, yet the water is clear to look at. The water must be part of the problem as the filter pipe(inside) is black as well. When I cleaned my filter no evidence of green/ black was there.Just the normal slime

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