Green Stuff

What size of tank do u have? What are u stocking it with? Is there any direct sunlight reaching your tank? What are ur ph level? Need some info.
I have a Juwel rio 180. I'm stocking 10 Black Neon Tetras, 3 False Julii Corys and 12 Neon Tetras. I have diect sunlight on my tank for at least 3 hours a day if i'm not in the house otherwise the curtains are shut. I've been small water changes everyday to get the Nitrates down and this green stuff is growing on the gravel i suck some of it up using the gravel vac but it keeps coming back. it only seems to be in a small patch at the front of the tank.
U should not let sunlight to hit the tank for even 1 hour coz it makes green stuff all over the tank.
It sounds like blue-green algae and it is nearly impossible to get rid of. Actually, blue-green algae isn't algae at all. It's an organism called cyanobacteria and the tank being in direct sunlight is the main cause of it. The only way you will ever be able to control it (or possibly get rid of it) is to move the tank. As long as you're getting the sunlight, it will be there. You also need to limit the length of time your tank lights are on too. Do you hae live plants? If not, only turn the lights on when you are there to iew the fish. Leave them off any other time. If you do have live plants, I would cut the lights back to about 8 hours a day (4 in the morning and 4 in the evening).
Why are you doing water changes every day for your nitrites. How high are they. Did you already cycle your tank without fish because if you change it everyday your water will not spike. But if you already have fish in there the high levels could kill them
I have a Juwel rio 180. I'm stocking 10 Black Neon Tetras, 3 False Julii Corys and 12 Neon Tetras. I have diect sunlight on my tank for at least 3 hours a day if i'm not in the house otherwise the curtains are shut. I've been small water changes everyday to get the Nitrates down and this green stuff is growing on the gravel i suck some of it up using the gravel vac but it keeps coming back. it only seems to be in a small patch at the front of the tank.
You should never let sunlight hit your tank, also three hours is enough to over heat the water and even kill your fish..

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