It is a type of hair algea,siamese algea eaters will eat it but before adding them it is best to try and figure out why you have the algea problem in the first place.
Algea is mainly caused by two main factors,too much light and excessive nitrates in the water.Can you give us a nitrate reading from your tank? Nitrates should ideally be kept below 40 ppm,when they exceed this level you need to do a water change.Is the tank in direct sunlight at any part of the day? If it is then you need to keep the blinds/curtains closed during this time,aquarium light should be kept on for a maximum of 12 hours a day if you have live plants and 8 hours a day if it is fish only,i actually preffer to keep the light on in my planted tanks for 10 hours and my unplanted tanks are unlit apart from the light in the room.