Green Spotted Puffer


New Member
Apr 14, 2004
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Upstate NY
I recently bought a Green Spotted Puffer (well saved him actually)...he was at a LPS and just looked sad. Can anyone give me info about this little guy.....I know he's brackish-that's taken care of....but is there any other fish compatible with him, what kind of food, tank set up, etc.? :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
no fish unless u got like a 120 tank u can get like 3 more load it up with hiding places ect, snails shrimp they will eat just about anyhing meaty, highly sensitive to ammonia lost 2 fish that way :(
Set the tank up with pleanty of rocks and wood/roots to create hiding places and caves, with the water being brackish you are restrictd with plants but you can use java fern or plastics. Any small live or frozen foods like bloodworm and daphnia will be eaten but it is essential to give them some crunchy foods like snails to keep the beak trimmed.
Whether you can keep tankmates with a GSP is all down to the tank size and individual aggression level of your fish. In a tank under 30g i wouldnt recomend keeping a adult GSP with anything, the fish will claim the whole tank as a territory and may kill anything it feels is invading its space, in larger tanks you may be able to keep the fish with similar sized and larger semi aggressive fish that are able to look after themselves, to keep more than one GSP you will need at least 40 gallons per fish.
Thank you...ended up staying up late last night doing search after search. Thanks for your help.....
Fish-Noobie said:
no fish unless u got like a 120 tank u can get like 3 more load it up with hiding places ect, snails shrimp they will eat just about anyhing meaty, highly sensitive to ammonia lost 2 fish that way :(
120!? no no no

GSP's need a tank size of 30/fish. That is when they are full grown, so I'd suggest getting one of those now, instead of upgrading... At adult size they should be moved into a full saltwater tank.

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