Green Spotted Puffer


Fish Fanatic
Aug 20, 2009
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Llanelli WALES
Ive recently set up a tank for a green spotted puffer and im thinking of putting two kribensis from my community tank in with the puffer what you guys think?
im also debating buying a shoal of neaon tetras/cardinal tetras
What you think and do you have any suggetions???
Well if you are even thinking of adding fw community fish to a gsp tank, I highly doubt you have set up the tank correctly for a gsp.

For one, they are brackish to marine fish, not freshwater. They also don't mix very well with other fish (esp community fish) like most puffers.

Considering you have overlooked both of the above points, I doubt you have even began to research this fish. My advice to you would be to look around on google and this forum for threads on how to keep gsp's and either set up the tank correctly or return the puffers to your lfs.

I don't mean to be condescending but it seems like you haven't researched the fish before you bought it, which almost invariably ends badly when it comes to oddballs.
Well if you are even thinking of adding fw community fish to a gsp tank, I highly doubt you have set up the tank correctly for a gsp.

For one, they are brackish to marine fish, not freshwater. They also don't mix very well with other fish (esp community fish) like most puffers.

Considering you have overlooked both of the above points, I doubt you have even began to research this fish. My advice to you would be to look around on google and this forum for threads on how to keep gsp's and either set up the tank correctly or return the puffers to your lfs.

I don't mean to be condescending but it seems like you haven't researched the fish before you bought it, which almost invariably ends badly when it comes to oddballs.

i did all the research and i have only had the tank for 2 months and have seen that you add the salt slowly after 3 months as they are not kept in brackish water in my lfs

and guess what i have put the 2 kribinses in with him and they get on well i am a newbie but please dont make me seem like im careless i have done a lot of research into this fish!!!!
Gsps's are brackish-marine fish that are aggressive and grow to 5" and produce lots of waste so need a tank of atleast 30gallons

Kribenses are freshwater fish, not brackish and i wouldnt recommend you keeping these two fish together

Gsp's should be kept in a species only tank, so no other tankmates.
Nope, getting the fish into brackish asap is the way to go. Change it somewhat gradually though until you get into the neighborhood of 1.008 or so and keep an eye on the stats as the nitrifying bacteria in fw (~1.000 - 1.005) are different from those in brackish (1.005+). I believe that's how it goes, if I'm wrong someone jump in here and correct me.

Keeping two fish together for 2 months doesn't really tell you if you they will get along well together forever. Especially considering that the two usually don't do well together in the first place.

As I said, I didn't mean to be condescending but the way you worded your first post made it seem like you bought the fish without doing any research whatsoever. And as I also said, when you do that with oddballs, it almost invariably ends badly.
In the wild Tetraodon Nigroviridis are found in fresh water streams and rivers as well as brackish waters and mangroves. They do however seem to live far healthier and longer lives in brackish water within aquaria.

you could feasibly move this fish from fresh to brackish water in a day using drop acclimatisation it wouldnt harm the fish at all.

tank mates, no not really, they are known to be aggressive and also scale nippers. 30galls per fish is avereage as they are messy eaters and large waste producers.

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