Green spotted plec


Fish Herder
Jan 30, 2004
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I just bought a nice green spotted plec yesterday and I'm just wonderin if anybody here know info about this species. I was wonderin if they are good algae eater cause i'm having some algae outburst on my mbuna tank especially on the rocks. I have a bristlenose plec at the same tank but I don't see him cleaning the tank during the day, the weird thing is that when i have the bristlenose on a community tank he wasn't nocturnal and would actually come out when the light is on. I was just wonderin if my africans are scaring the crap outta the plecs....BTW my female bristlenose was killed last week maybe that's the reason.....
If you are talking about the Lemon spotted green plec, L200, then no, they're not particularly good for algae control although they do eat a little.
They prefer meaty foods like shrimp pellets & frozen bloodworm, plus the occasional slice of zuccini or cucumber.

Here's a picture of ours.
Thanks Sir_minion that plec almost look like mine.... :D . I check him out on and it says in there that this plec is a very effective algae eater??? :blink: I don't like dropping algae wafers on my tank cause my africans are always beating my plecs into it. I only feed brineshrimp once a week, do you think that's enough to keep him healthy????
In my experience, brinshrimp don't sink, so you need to use sonething like bloodworm, or a sinking meat-based catfish pellet.
And yes, your plecs will hide from your africans, becauses africans will bully anything in the tank.
I couldn't answer this one before but I can now :lol:

I had an L200 in my planted tank but have had to evict him as he's chomping the plants. I've put him in a tank which has very large flowerpots covered in algae, within a week he's cleaned the lot (well nearly).

His tank mates are two Pseudotropheus Saulosi and they don't bother him.

In the past I've kept bristlenoses with Mbuna with no problems. Including M. Auratus, P Trewavassae, Zebras, Socolofi, Elongatus etc.
No, they dont eat algae only. The L200 requires a variety of other food since its a omni eater. You can feed a lot of food from cucumber to carnivorous pellets.

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